योजना आयोग खत्म करने की खबर पर आज के टेलीग्राफ ने अपना पूरा पहला पेज इस खबर को समर्पित कर दिया। इस पेज में काफी रोचक जानकारियाँ हैं।
- Jurassic plan panel set to be replaced
The proposed commission will act not only as an economic and human development think tank but also as a body that plans and monitors the implementation of mega projects and industrial areas, liaising with state governments to get the projects up and running within a timeframe.
Modi feels the plan panel — a Jurassic-era relic of the command economy — has outlived its utility in the new age where the larger chunk of the economy is in private hands, and where the State’s role is that of a catalyst rather than a Soviet-style target setter.
Those days of commanding heights