
Thursday, May 26, 2016

मोदी सरकार @दो साल

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah. Credit: Reuters.
मोदी सरकार के दो साल पूरे होने पर राजनीति, प्रशासन और अर्थ-व्यवस्था को एकसाथ आँका जाएगा। राजनीति का मतलब केवल चुनावों में प्रदर्शन तक सीमित नहीं है। मोदी सरकार की पिछले दो साल में सबसे बड़ी विफलता है अल्पसंख्यकों के मन में बैठा भय। एक बड़ा तबका मानता है कि राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ का छिपा एजेंडा सामने आ रहा है। मुसलमान वोटर मोदी के नेतृत्व से नाराज है। पार्टी नेतृत्व ने स्थिति को सुधारने की कोशिश भी नहीं की है। बेशक बीजेपी हिन्दू राष्ट्रवाद से जुड़ी पार्टी है। उसे मुसलमानों का एकमुश्त समर्थन मिलने की उम्मीद करनी भी नहीं है, पर देश की प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था हाथ में लेने के बाद उसकी जिम्मेदारी है कि वह मुसलमानों के मन में बैठे डर को दूर करे। 

मोदी सरकार ने 'बेटी पढ़ाओ-बेटी बचाओ', 'स्वच्छ भारत', 'मेक इन इंडिया' और 'सबका साथ-सबका विकास' जैसे नारों को लेकप्रिय बनाया। हमें देश को इन भावनाओं से जोड़ने की जरूरत है और इन बातों में नारों की भूमिका होती है। गांधी से लेकर माओ जे दुंग ने अतीत में नारों की मदद से ही अपने सामूहिक अभियान छेड़े थे। पर नारों को जमीन पर व्यावहारिक रूप से उतरना भी चाहिए। वे केवल प्रचारात्मक नारे नहीं हो सकते। जनता की उनमें भागीदारी होनी चाहिए।

मोदी सरकार बनने के बाद केन्द्र सरकार के सचिवालय में काम बढ़ा है। तमाम मंत्री अपना पूरा समय दफ्तरों में लगा रहे हैं। विदेश, बिजली, रेलवे, रक्षा, विदेश व्यापार, उद्योग, परिवहन और इसी तरह के कुछ दूसरे मंत्रालयों में काफी अच्छा काम हुआ है। बड़े नीतिगत बदलाव भी हुए हैं। संयोग से वैश्विक अर्थ-व्यवस्था के लिए खराब समय चल रहा है। इसलिए सबसे बड़ी चुनौती वित्त मंत्रालय के सामने है। आर्थिक उदारीकरण का काम धीमी गति से चल रहा है। यह गति यूपीए के शासन में भी धीमी थी। देश की राजनीतिक ताकतें उदारीकरण का मतलब अपने-अपने तरीके से निकाल रही हैं। मोदी सरकार और उससे पहले मनमोहन सरकार की कोशिश देश में पूँजी निवेश के माहौल को बेहतर बनाने की थी। मनमोहन सरकार को भी बीजेपी के अलावा अपनी ही पार्टी के विरोध का सामना करना होता था।

बावजूद इन बातों के स्थितियाँ बेहतर होती जा रही हैं। इनका पता तभी लगेगा जब औद्योगिक उत्पादन में तेजी आएगी। देश का निजी क्षेत्र निवेश करने में घबराता है। पिछले दो साल में सरकार ने इंफ्रासेक्टर में निवेश बढ़ाया है। राजमार्गों का निर्माण कार्य फिर से शुरू हुआ है। रक्षा मंत्रालय में रक्षा खरीद नीति में भारी बदलाव किया है। इसमें निजी क्षेत्र की भागीदारी बढ़ी है, जो स्वदेशीकरण की वाहक बनेगी। 

मोदी सरकार के दो साल पूरे होने पर देश के मीडिया से जो स्वर उभरे हैं उनका एक अंश यहाँ पेश हैः-

वॉलस्ट्रीट जरनल का रिपोर्ट कार्ड

इंडियन एक्सप्रेस में सम्पादकीय

Questions @2

A political reckoning of the Modi government cannot confine itself to celebration of BJP’s electoral victories.

By: Express News Service

elections 2016, BJP, narendra modi, modi government, amit shah, amit shah bjp, bjp electoral victories, congress, modi in asaam, congress in assam, sabka saath sabka vikas, modi bjp, indian express editorial The BJP still appears at its best as a campaigning party rather than as a ruling party, and this must be seen as a problem for the Modi government.

Two years later, with the Amit Shah-led BJP posting a good electoral performance in the latest round of state elections, the political capital of the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre appears revitalised. But two years on, surely, the BJP’s electoral victories, crucial as they are, can only be part of the political reckoning of the Modi government, not all of it. Other questions must be asked. For instance, how is the Modi government negotiating the political challenges, away from the electoral arenas, where the logic of numbers and majority do not — should not — prevail? Has it tried to reach out to reassure the minorities, win their trust, given the misgivings and insecurities provoked by its taking charge in 2014?

पूरा सम्पादकीय पढ़ें यहाँ

इंडियन एक्सप्रेस में प्रताप भानु मेहता का लेख

Contradictions in the Modi government are still muddying its identity

Modi government’s backward-looking instincts keep pulling down its forward-looking mission.
Written by Pratap Bhanu Mehta

narendra modi, modi government, BJP, NDA, achievements of modi government, BJP achievements, ache din, Swachh Bharat, economic delvelopment, international relations, modi power, narendra modi achievements, Article 356, JAM, indian express column Contradictions in the government are still muddying its identity.
The Modi government at two is still weighed down by all the contradictions that marked its spectacular rise to power. But it can claim some credit that despite these contradictions, the India story still seems one of some possibility rather than doom. In a global context marked by increasing ideological frenzy and economic uncertainty, India’s warts, serious as they are, seem less glaring by comparison. It is also a measure of the prime minister’s success that no other political leader comes close to enjoying the popular legitimacy he possesses.
The government’s path to power had tapped into a fear that India would slide into unbridled defeatism. The sense of defeatism has abated. But India is far from a deep transformation; and the risk of social and political conflict is returning.
The energy and candour with which the government has engaged with literally all parts of the world is impressive. But it is hard to argue that this vigour has yielded any major breakthroughs yet. There have been some important bilateral successes. But on big issues, success is more elusive: the neighbourhood remains both fragile and hostile; our relationship with China remains as tense as ever; our approach to economic globalisation is not entirely clear; there is an inexorable drift towards the United States on its terms, and seats on several high tables still elude us. The theatre and confidence of engagement has run far ahead of structural realities. The same gap is also manifested domestically.

हिन्दू में पूर्व राजनयिक मुकुल सनवाल का आलेख 

An A-minus for PM Modi
Mukul Sanwal

NITI Aayog is yet to recognise that by 2032 two-thirds of the population will be in cities
No one expected it would be easy for a successful Chief Minister to transform India. The two years of the Modi government can be assessed in terms of its relations with the States, the performance of the Union Cabinet, sectoral policy shifts, and strategic initiatives.

The first strategic shift was in the abolition of the Planning Commission, which would itself enable India to achieve its potential of sustained growth rates of 10 per cent, which China alone has been able to do.

What did China do differently? It followed global historical trends in shifting rural populations into the urban middle class, with infrastructure investment contributing significantly to economic growth, improved standards of living, and reduced inequality. In the U.S., three-quarters of the population had moved to cities by 1970. China, with ten times the population of the U.S., will achieve this by 2030. The difference is the pace; the U.S. had shifted 250 million to cities in 100 years by 1970 while China will shift 750 million in 50 years from 1970.

What the Chinese did

In China, fixed capital formation, the measure of investment in national accounts, increased at an average annual rate of 11 per cent between 2000 and 2013, amounting for half of GDP in 2013. Infrastructure accounts for one-third of this investment.

In the late 1990s, two-thirds of the investment went into electricity generation. In the past decade, transport infrastructure has comprised one-quarter of the investment in infrastructure. China’s production increased five times from 2000 to 2010, and industry accounted for 70 per cent of energy used. Within industry, cement and steel production accounted for one-quarter of the total; half of the steel went to the construction sector. In the future one-third of the investment for infrastructure is expected to go to city development and one-quarter to water and power development, also in cities, again directly impacting living standards.

The social sector has attracted only 12 per cent of direct investment in China in the period 2000 to 2012. India’s higher direct allocations to the social sector achieved meagre results, and Mr. Modi is rightly shifting this role to the States and the private sector. This is another strategic shift that has gone unrecognised.

अगले तीन साल की चुनौतियों पर टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया की एक रपट

Stage set, it'll be all action for NDA govt in next 3 yrs
New Delhi:

Had To Tackle Low Growth In First 2 Years
The Modi government is looking to utilise the next three years to consolidate its gains and has extensive plans to revamp governance and boost economic growth after having spent the initial years tackling inherited challenges of high inflation and low growth.
A review of policy objectives reveals the government has fixed a target of completing rural electrification by 2018 and providing roads in 60,000 rural habitations. The first two years are being seen as a period of consolidation and fixing of priorities while the stress will now be on programme implementation.

Sources familiar with decision-making said the government faced multiple challenges that hurt economic growth and led to “policy paralysis“ against the backdrop of high inflation, low growth, an external crisis due to currency depreciation, shortage of coal affecting power generation, stalled projects and a demoralized civil service.

The government has taken a series of measures to restore confidence and boost growth through fast-track decisionmaking, a crackdown on corruption and black money , concerted efforts to tame inflation and shoring up strategic ties.

This period saw the launch of mega programmes to improve sanitation, attract investment with Make in India, labour reforms, improvements in ease of doing business, Skill India drive, approving a new bankruptcy law and a massive financial inclusion programme -Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, which is a massive social security scheme covering 10 crore people The time in office so far has been used to clean up the mines and minerals segment through a transparent process for auctioning of mineral resources, spectrum, FM radio and resolving issues linked to stalled projects. So far, the government has claimed, there have been no complaints of corruption.

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